49inmates die while trying to escape from a prison in colombia




According to media reports, about 49 people were killed, while trying to free her from a prison in Colombia


Gustavo Petro, elected Sunday, corresponding to the first left-wing president in Colombia’s history, was the twin, the real switch “in your country and with the formation of a” government of hope “after his victory in the second round of the presidential election.


(62 years old) Once again, Petro, 62, told hundreds of his supporters who gathered in Bogota: “To dislodge those voters who demanded that the country change,” emphasizing, “We are committed to changing my vote with real change.”


Change means leaving hatred and intolerance behind. The government of hope has arrived.”


“The government that will take power on August 7 will be the government of life, social peace and social justice.”


Petro pledged that Colombia would “lead the fight against climate change in the world” from now on, saving the Amazon rainforest along with other countries on the continent.


Pietro won 50.45% and his opponent, millionaire Rodolfo Hernandez, conceded his defeat, received 47.30% of the vote.


“The supporters of Rodolfo Hernandez can come and talk to us whenever they want,” the president-elect said.


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